Yamaha Stencil Wiping Roll Green Monster- 440mm

SKU HTC-Y-NT7-440-80T
Patent pending NOVATECHTM 7000 fabric used in the GREEN MONSTERTMYamaha stencil wiping rolls product line is like no other product and is comprised of a synergistic blend of virgin rayon and polyester fibers bonded with a tough proprietary polymeric resin. Magnification shows the fabric to have a fiber structure with many open voids for aggressive collection of solder paste and adhesives on a “micro” level. This aggressive fabric has the porosity required to maximize the use of vacuum systems. Unlike other smooth paper-like products that simply push and smear and don’t allow adequate air to pass through.
Item Weight: 20 lb
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The anti-static properties decrease the chance of a static discharge onto solder traces and components – especially when printing the other side of loaded boards. These anti-static properties also decrease the static attraction of dust and other contaminants. FOR ALL YAMAHA PRINTERS *Sold by the case*



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