Understencil Wiping Rolls for PCB Printers
We offer SMT cleaning solutions including high quality and innovative Understencil Wiping Rolls for DEK, MPM, EKRA, Panasonic, and other PCB Printers. These stencil wiping rolls efficiently remove solder paste and clean the underside of stencils used to print circuit boards.
GREEN MONSTER!™ Understencil Wiping Rolls - Offers superior performance compared to a standard paper-based roll. GREEN MONSTER - The only stencil wiping roll to be truly ESD-safe and virtually lint-free!
Nova-Tech 9000 Understencil Wiping Rolls - Offers the same benefits as the GREEN MONSTER!™ in a white roll
Cellulose Understencil Wiping Rolls - Standard paper cleaning roll, economical option